Client Aspirations
Our clients desired an airy, single-story residence with a strong connection to the outdoors and their surrounding landscape. The clients envisioned an open-plan living, kitchen and dining area as the sociable heart of the home. Sustainability was a significant consideration, with a heat pump and solar panels being a must-have for the project.
Adjacent to a Ring Fort archaeological site
Our Response
The design comprises 2 linked single-storey accommodation blocks: one being the daytime spaces (kitchen, dining, living, office and lounge) and the other being the bedroom block. Both blocks borrow from the vernacular tradition in being 1 room deep in plan, and long and rectilinear in shape, with pitched roofs, ensuring that every space within the home enjoys natural light and a connection to the outdoors.
Bespoke Contemporary Home in Roscommon
Bespoke Contemporary Home in Roscommon
Bespoke Contemporary Home in Roscommon
Bespoke Contemporary Home in Roscommon
Bespoke Contemporary Home in Roscommon
Bespoke Contemporary Home in Roscommon
Bespoke Contemporary Home in Roscommon
Bespoke Contemporary Home in Roscommon

The proposed materials and colour have been chosen to allow for best integration into the landscape. The external walls are proposed as dark stained or charred timber, whilst the roof is a standing seam or corrugated metal cladding. The north façade features a solid, protective design, while the south-facing elevation incorporates generous glazing to maximise natural light and solar gain, ensuring a warm and energy-efficient home.

The compact design minimises energy loss and preservation of surrounding green spaces contribute to reduced carbon footprint. The passive design approach includes natural ventilation, daylight harvesting, solar gain and thermal mass. Sustainable features, including a heat pump and solar panels, ensure long-term energy efficiency while minimising the home's environmental impact.

The sheltered external space allows outdoor living. Bi-fold doors seamlessly connect the interior to the outdoors, blurring the boundaries between the two realms. A separate carport, connected to the home via a covered walkway, offers convenient covered parking.